Simple Pacman V1.1

 We all love pacman, I love pacman, you love pacman, everyone loves
pacman. Its just a game you can't get enough of. Its a simple idea
and one that has been run over many times so I won't go into much
detail, basically you are a circle with a mouth and you have to eat
all the dots without getting caught by the ghoasts. There are powerpills
to collect which make the ghoasts scared and allow you to eat them
for a certain lenght of time before they change back.

 Simple Pacman is a great workbench version of this retro game. You
have two windows, one is the main playing area and the other is the
hiscores. You can close the hiscore window if you choose to. The window
can be resized to any size you wish, it is very flexible and will be
redrawn almost instantly.

 This is a great addictive game to play while doing something that
requires the workbench to be active like copying disks or something
else of that nature. A nice game that is well worth a look!

Available from: Aminet Game/wb
Archived name : simplepac.lha

Graphics      : 76% 
Sound         : 68%   
Playability   : 85% 
Lastability   : 86%

Overall       : 77%

Reviewed by   : Chris Seward

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